The PM will reply to questions of why violations of Vinashin (Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group) were not detected through 12 inspections and audits and who was responsible.
Regarding these issues, Truyen said each inspection and audit conducted by different agencies uncovered certain wrongdoings of Vinashin. The PM asked Vinashin to reduce non-core investments and not to buy old ships.
However, Truyen added that for a long time no comprehensive inspection on Vinashin was carried out to fully detect in a timely manner infringements of the shipbuilder. He added that no sanctions/punishments were strict enough in the PM-instructed inspections to deal with the group’s violations. As a result, Vinashin still reported profits despite huge losses.
“It was lax management that made concerned agencies fail to assess and interfere in the Vinashin case. The Vinashin fall is also due to management mechanisms in which many agencies inspected the firm, but none of them had a general and final assessment about it. Therefore, Vinashin was able to continue making mistakes,” Truyen noted.
As for the Government Inspectorate’s comprehensive inspection, Truyen disclosed that the inspection team had just finished on-site examining Vinashin and now will finalise documents of their final conclusion on the group’s infringements.
“When the final decision is made, the delegation team will inform me of it. I will have to check the conclusion’s accuracy before submitting it to the PM,” Truyen shared.
In terms of the time to end the comprehensive inspection, under the law, within one month after completion of on-site examination, the conclusion will be made public. However, in this case, the conclusion results will be informed earlier in line with the PM’s instruction.
Truyen said the comprehensive inspection will clarify specific violations of Vinashin as well as agencies which help the government manage Vinashin.
Based on the Government Inspectorate’s report and the conclusion of the Central Inspection Committee, the government will instruct to deal with the wrongdoings of leaders.