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US Elections 2010: America votes

(BBC) - US President Barack Obama's party looks set to lose the House of Representatives in the mid-term polls and is ceding seats in the Senate.

Republicans took at least three Senate seats and stars of the Tea Party movement, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, won in Florida and Kentucky.

CNN is projecting the Democrats to keep their Senate majority, vital to the president's scope for legislation.

But House Republicans are set on reversing Obama economic policy.

One of their top House Representatives, Eric Cantor, promised his party would repeal healthcare reform and cut federal spending.

"We will get to work right away to reduce the deficit by cutting federal spending next year down to 2008 levels," he said.

Up for election are all 435 seats in the House (the lower chamber of Congress), 37 of the 100 seats in the Senate, governorships of 37 of the 50 states and all but four state legislatures.

The Republicans need to gain 39 seats to win control of the House. The last polls will close in Alaska at 0000 EDT.

Among the most anticipated contests of the night is the Senate fight in Nevada, where the Republicans are fielding a Tea Party radical, Sharron Angle, in their bid to oust Democratic veteran Harry Reid.

It is a bitterly-fought race and Nevadans seem to be voting not for who they like most, but the candidate they dislike least, the BBC's Rajesh Mirchandani reports from the state.

Historic reverse

In Arkansas, John Boozman defeated incumbent Blanche Lincoln in a historic reverse for the Democrats.

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